The Winter's Tale Page 8
the ground
AUTOLYCUS O, help me, help me! Pluck but off these rags, and
then, death, death!
CLOWN Alack, poor soul, thou hast need of more rags to lay
on thee, rather than have these off.
AUTOLYCUS O, sir, the loathsomeness of them offends me more
than the stripes54 I have received, which are mighty ones and
CLOWN Alas, poor man, a million of beating may come to a
great matter57.
AUTOLYCUS I am robbed, sir, and beaten. My money and apparel
ta'en from me, and these detestable things put upon me.
CLOWN What, by a horseman, or a footman60?
AUTOLYCUS A footman, sweet sir, a footman.
CLOWN Indeed, he should be a footman by the garments he
has left with thee. If this be a horseman's coat, it hath seen
very hot service64. Lend me thy hand, I'll help thee. Come, lend
me thy hand.
Helps him to his feet
AUTOLYCUS O, good sir, tenderly, O!
CLOWN Alas, poor soul!
AUTOLYCUS O, good sir, softly, good sir! I fear, sir, my shoulder-blade
is out69.
CLOWN How now? Canst stand?
AUTOLYCUS Softly, dear sir. Good sir, softly. You ha'
Picks his pocket
done me a charitable office.
CLOWN Dost lack any money? I have a little money for thee.
AUTOLYCUS No, good sweet sir. No, I beseech you, sir. I have a
kinsman not past three quarters of a mile hence, unto whom
I was going. I shall there have money, or anything I want.
Offer me no money, I pray you. That kills my heart.
CLOWN What manner of fellow was he that robbed you?
AUTOLYCUS A fellow, sir, that I have known to go about with
troll-my-dames80. I knew him once a servant of the prince. I
cannot tell, good sir, for which of his virtues it was, but he
was certainly whipped out of the court.
CLOWN His vices, you would say. There's no virtue whipped
out of the court. They cherish it to make it stay there; and yet
it will no more but abide85.
AUTOLYCUS Vices, I would say, sir. I know this man well. He hath
been since an ape-bearer87, then a process-server, a bailiff,
then he compassed a motion88 of the prodigal son, and
married a tinker's wife within a mile where my land and
living90 lies, and, having flown over many knavish professions,
he settled only in rogue. Some call him Autolycus.
CLOWN Out upon him! Prig92, for my life, prig. He haunts
wakes93, fairs and bear-baitings.
AUTOLYCUS Very true, sir. He, sir, he. That's the rogue that put
me into this apparel.
CLOWN Not a more cowardly rogue in all Bohemia; if you
had but looked big and spit at him, he'd have run.
AUTOLYCUS I must confess to you, sir, I am no fighter. I am false
of heart98 that way, and that he knew, I warrant him.
CLOWN How do you now?
AUTOLYCUS Sweet sir, much better than I was. I can stand and
walk. I will even take my leave of you, and pace softly102
towards my kinsman's.
CLOWN Shall I bring thee on the way?
AUTOLYCUS No, good-faced105 sir. No, sweet sir.
CLOWN Then fare thee well. I must go buy spices for our
AUTOLYCUS Prosper you, sweet sir! Your purse is not hot108 enough
to purchase your spice. I'll be with you at your sheep-shearing
too. If I make not this cheat110 bring out another and
the shearers prove sheep111, let me be unrolled and my name
put in the book of virtue!
[Sings] song Jog on, jog on, the footpath way,
And merrily hent114 the stile-a:
A merry heart goes all the day,
Your sad tires in a mile-a.
Act 4 Scene 4 running scene 11
* * *
Enter Florizel [wearing shepherd's clothing, and] Perdita
FLORIZEL These your unusual weeds1 to each part of you
Does give a life: no shepherdess, but Flora2
Peering in April's front3. This your sheep-shearing
Is as a meeting of the petty4 gods,
And you the queen on't.
PERDITA Sir, my gracious lord,
To chide at your extremes7 it not becomes me --
O, pardon, that I name them! Your high self,
The gracious mark o'th'land9, you have obscured
With a swain's wearing10, and me, poor lowly maid,
Most goddess-like pranked up11. But that our feasts
In every mess12 have folly and the feeders
Digest it with a custom13, I should blush
To see you so attired, swoon, I think,
To show myself a glass15.
FLORIZEL I bless the time
When my good falcon made her flight across
Thy father's ground.
PERDITA Now Jove afford you cause!
To me the difference20 forges dread. Your greatness
Hath not been used to fear. Even now I tremble
To think your father, by some accident22,
Should pass this way as you did. O, the Fates!
How would he look, to see his work so noble
Vilely bound up25? What would he say? Or how
Should I, in these my borrowed flaunts26, behold
The sternness27 of his presence?
FLORIZEL Apprehend28
Nothing but jollity. The gods themselves,
Humbling their deities to love, have taken
The shapes of beasts upon them: Jupiter
Became a bull31, and bellowed: the green Neptune
A ram32, and bleated: and the fire-robed god,
Golden Apollo, a poor humble swain34,
As I seem now. Their transformations
Were never for a piece of beauty rarer,
Nor in a way37 so chaste, since my desires
Run not before38 mine honour, nor my lusts
Burn hotter than my faith.
PERDITA O, but, sir,
Your resolution cannot hold, when 'tis
Opposed, as it must be, by th'power of the king.
One of these two must be necessities,
Which then will speak, that you must change this purpose,
Or I my life45.
FLORIZEL Thou dearest Perdita,
With these forced47 thoughts, I prithee darken not
The mirth o'th'feast. Or48 I'll be thine, my fair,
Or not my father's. For I cannot be
Mine own, nor anything to any, if
I be not thine. To this I am most constant,
Though52 destiny say no. Be merry, gentle.
Strangle such thoughts as these with anything
That you behold the while53. Your guests are coming:
Lift up your countenance, as55 it were the day
Of celebration of that nuptial which
We two have sworn shall come.
PERDITA O lady Fortune,
Stand you59 auspicious!
FLORIZEL See, your guests approach.
Address61 yourself to entertain them sprightly,
And let's be red with mirth.
[Enter Shepherd, Clown, Mopsa, Dorcas and others, with Polixenes and Camillo disguised]
SHEPHERD Fie, daughter! When my old wife lived, upon
This day she was both pantler64, butler, cook,
Both dame65 and servant, welcomed all, served all,
Would sing her song and dance her turn: now here,
At upper end o'th'table, now i'th'middle,
On his68 shoulder, and his, her face o'f
With labour and the thing she took to quench it,
She would to each one sip70. You are retired,
As if you were a feasted one and not
The hostess of the meeting. Pray you bid
These unknown friends to's welcome, for it is
A way to make us better friends, more known.
Come, quench your blushes and present yourself
That which you are, mistress o'th'feast. Come on,
And bid us welcome to your sheep-shearing,
As your good flock shall prosper.
PERDITA Sir, welcome.
To Polixenes
It is my father's will I should take on me
The hostess-ship o'th'day.-- You're welcome, sir.--
To Camillo
Give me those flowers there, Dorcas.-- Reverend sirs,
For you there's rosemary83 and rue. These keep
Gives flowers
Seeming and savour84 all the winter long.
Grace and remembrance be to you both,
And welcome to our shearing!
POLIXENES Shepherdess,
A fair one are you -- well you fit88 our ages
With flowers of winter.
PERDITA Sir, the year growing ancient,
Not yet on summer's death, nor on the birth
Of trembling winter90, the fairest flowers o'th'season
Are our carnations and streaked gillyvors93,
Which some call nature's bastards94. Of that kind
Our rustic garden's barren, and I care not
To get slips96 of them.
POLIXENES Wherefore97, gentle maiden,
Do you neglect98 them?
PERDITA For99 I have heard it said
There is an art which in their piedness shares
With great creating nature100.
POLIXENES Say there be.
Yet nature is made better by no mean103
But nature makes that mean, so over that art,
Which you say adds to nature, is an art
That nature makes104. You see, sweet maid, we marry
A gentler scion107 to the wildest stock,
And make conceive a bark of baser kind
By bud of nobler race109. This is an art
Which does mend110 nature, change it rather, but
The art itself is nature.
PERDITA So it is.
POLIXENES Then make your garden rich in gillyvors,
And do not call them bastards.
PERDITA I'll not put
The dibble116 in earth to set one slip of them.
No more than were I painted117 I would wish
This youth should say 'twere well and only therefore
Desire to breed by me. Here's flowers for you:
Gives flowers
Hot120 lavender, mints, savory, marjoram,
The marigold, that goes to bed wi'th'sun
And with him rises weeping121. These are flowers
Of middle summer, and I think they are given
To men of middle age. You're very welcome.
CAMILLO I should leave grazing, were I of your flock,
And only live by gazing.
PERDITA Out, alas!127
You'd be so lean that blasts of January
Would blow you through and through.--
Now, my fair'st friend,
To Florizel
To Shepherdesses
I would I had some flowers o'th'spring that might
Become your time of day,-- and yours, and
That wear upon your virgin branches yet
Your maidenheads134 growing.-- O Proserpina,
For the flowers now that, frighted, thou let'st fall
From Dis's wagon! Daffodils,
That come before the swallow dares137, and take
The winds of March with beauty: violets, dim138,
But sweeter than the lids of Juno139's eyes
Or Cytherea140's breath: pale primroses
That die unmarried, ere they can behold
Bright Phoebus142 in his strength -- a malady
Most incident to maids: bold oxlips and
The crown imperial144: lilies of all kinds,
The flower-de-luce145 being one. O, these I lack,
To make you garlands of, and my sweet friend,
To strew him o'er and o'er!
FLORIZEL What, like a corpse?
PERDITA No, like a bank for love to lie and play on.
Not like a corpse. Or if150, not to be buried,
But quick151 and in mine arms. Come, take your flowers.
Methinks I play as I have seen them do
In Whitsun pastorals153. Sure this robe of mine
Does change my disposition.
FLORIZEL What you do
Still156 betters what is done. When you speak, sweet,
I'd have you do it ever: when you sing,
I'd have you buy and sell so, so give alms158,
Pray so, and, for the ord'ring159 your affairs,
To sing them too. When you do dance, I wish you
A wave o'th'sea, that you might ever do
Nothing but that. Move still162, still so,
And own no other function163. Each your doing,
So singular164 in each particular,
Crowns what you are doing in the present deeds165,
That all your acts are queens.
PERDITA O Doricles167,
Your praises are too large. But that your youth,
And the true169 blood which peeps fairly through't,
Do plainly give you out170 an unstained shepherd,
With wisdom I might fear, my Doricles,
You wooed me the false way172.
FLORIZEL I think you have
As little skill174 to fear as I have purpose
To put you to't. But come, our dance, I pray.
Your hand, my Perdita. So turtles176 pair,
That never mean to part.
PERDITA I'll swear for 'em.
They stand aside
POLIXENES This is the prettiest low-born lass that ever
To Camillo
Ran on the greensward180. Nothing she does or seems
But smacks of something greater than herself,
Too noble for this place.
CAMILLO He tells her something
That makes her blood look out184. Good sooth, she is
The queen of curds and cream185.
CLOWN Come on, strike up!
DORCAS Mopsa must be your mistress187. Marry, garlic,
To mend her kissing with188!
MOPSA Now, in good time189!
CLOWN Not a word, a word. We stand upon190 our manners.
Come, strike up!
Here a dance of Shepherds and Shepherdesses
POLIXENES Pray, good shepherd, what fair swain is this
Which dances with your daughter?
SHEPHERD They call him Doricles, and boasts194 himself
To have a worthy feeding195; but I have it
Upon his own report and I believe it.
He looks like sooth197. He says he loves my daughter.
I think so too, for never gazed the moon
Upon the water as he'll stand and read,
As 'twere, my daughter's eyes. And to be plain,
I think there is not half a kiss to choose
Who loves another best.
POLIXENES She dances featly203.
SHEPHERD So she does anything, though I report it,
That should be silent. If young Doricles
Do light upon206 her, she shall bring him that
Which he not dreams of.
Enter Servant
SERVANT O, master, if you did but hear the pedlar at the door,
you would never dance again after a tabor209 and pipe. No, the
bagpipe could not move you. He sings several tunes faster
than you'll tell211 money. He utters them as he
had eaten
ballads212 and all men's ears grew to his tunes.
CLOWN He could never come better213. He shall come in. I love
a ballad but even too well, if it be doleful matter merrily set
down, or a very pleasant thing indeed and sung lamentably.
SERVANT He hath songs for man or woman, of all sizes. No
milliner217 can so fit his customers with gloves. He has the
prettiest love-songs for maids, so without bawdry218, which is
strange, with such delicate burdens219 of dildos and fadings,
'jump her and thump her'220. And where some stretch-mouthed
rascal would, as it were, mean mischief and break
a foul gap into the matter221, he makes the maid to answer
'Whoop223, do me no harm, good man', puts him off, slights
him, with 'Whoop, do me no harm, good man'.
POLIXENES This is a brave225 fellow.
CLOWN Believe me, thou talkest of an admirable conceited226
fellow. Has he any unbraided227 wares?
SERVANT He hath ribbons of all the colours i'th'rainbow;
points229 more than all the lawyers in Bohemia can learnedly
handle, though they come to him by th'gross230: inkles,
caddisses231, cambrics, lawns. Why, he sings 'em over as they
were gods or goddesses. You would think a smock232 were a she-angel,
he so chants to the sleeve-hand233 and the work about
the square234 on't.
CLOWN Prithee bring him in, and let him approach singing.
PERDITA Forewarn him that he use no scurrilous words in's
Servant goes to door
CLOWN You have238 of these pedlars, that have more in them
than you'd think, sister.
PERDITA Ay, good brother, or go about240 to think.
Enter Autolycus, singing
He wears a false beard and carries a pack
AUTOLYCUS Lawn as white as driven snow,
Cypress242 black as e'er was crow,
Gloves as sweet243 as damask roses,
Masks244 for faces and for noses,
Bugle245 bracelet, necklace amber,
Perfume for a lady's chamber,
Golden quoifs247 and stomachers,
For my lads to give their dears,
Pins and poking-sticks249 of steel,
What maids lack from head to heel.
Come buy of me, come. Come buy, come buy.
Buy lads, or else your lasses cry. Come buy!
CLOWN If I were not in love with Mopsa, thou shouldst take
no money of me, but being enthralled254 as I am, it will also be
the bondage255 of certain ribbons and gloves.
MOPSA I was promised them against256 the feast, but they
come not too late now.
DORCAS He hath promised you more than that258, or there be
MOPSA He hath paid you260 all he promised you. Maybe he has
paid you more, which will shame you to give him again261.
CLOWN Is there no manners left among maids? Will they
wear their plackets where they should bear their faces263? Is
there not milking-time, when you are going to bed, or kiln-hole264,
to whistle of these secrets, but you must be tittle-tattling
before all our guests? 'Tis well they are whisp'ring.
Clamour267 your tongues, and not a word more.
MOPSA I have done. Come, you promised me a tawdry-lace268