Henry V Page 28
59 thrice-worthy most worthy
60 suck blood kill/am a leech
61 Suivez-vous ... capitaine! "Follow the great captain!"
62 full loud
65 devil i'th'old play i.e. one like the character of the devil in an old morality play 65 pare trim
66 wooden dagger the traditional prop of a morality-play devil 67 this this man, Pistol
67 adventurously in a manner involving genuine risk
69 prey plunder
Act 4 Scene 5
1 O diable! "O the devil!"
2 O ... perdu! "O Lord! The day is lost, all is lost!"
3 Mort ... vie! "Death of my life!"
3 confounded ruined
5 in our plumes i.e. over us (in their feathered helmets) 5 O mechante fortune! "O wicked fortune!"
7 broke broken, scattered
8 perdurable everlasting
12 In i.e. into battle
15 pander go-between, pimp
15 hold ... door guard the bedroom door
16 gentler nobler/kinder
18 spoiled ruined/plundered
18 friend befriend
19 on in
22 upon of
Act 4 Scene 6
4.6 train followers
2 keep remain (on)
8 Larding enriching
9 honour-owing i.e. honorable
11 all haggled over hacked all over
12 insteeped drenched
15 Tarry linger, wait
17 abreast side by side
18 well-foughten field well-fought battle
19 chivalry knightly prowess/bravery in war
20 cheered him up spoke comfortingly to him
21 raught reached
23 Commend offer, remember
26 espoused married, united
27 testament will, bequest
29 waters i.e. tears
31 my mother i.e. his tender, womanly side
34 perforce necessarily
34 compound come to terms (may play on the sense of "mix") 35 mixed-full unclear meaning, perhaps "swimming confusedly with tears/fully mixed with tears" (some editors emend to "mistful" or "wilful") 35 issue discharge (tears)
Act 4 Scene 7
1 poys boys
1 luggage perhaps "those guarding the luggage"
3 offer't attempted, dared
7 wherefore because of which
8 worthily deservedly, justly
10 Monmouth town in south Wales, near the English border
11 Pig i.e. Big (Great)
16 all one reckonings all amount to the same thing
16 phrase ... variations wording is slightly different
18 Macedon Macedonia, a region in what is now northern Greece 18 take understand
20 'orld world
22 situations geographical layout
24 Wye the River Wye, on the Welsh-English border
27 both i.e. both rivers
28 is ... it follows, resembles
29 figures comparisons, parallels
30 cholers fits of anger (governed by choler, one of the four bodily humors controlling mood) 32 intoxicates intoxicated, drunk
32 in his ales i.e. while drunk
33 Cleitus friend and general to Alexander the Great (killed in a drunken argument by Alexander) 39 his cups i.e. drunk
41 belly-doublet close-fitting jacket with the lower part padded (in Falstaff's case, with his fat) 42 gipes jibes
42 knaveries roguish tricks
42 mocks jeers, acts of mockery
49 this instant i.e. at the death of the boys
49 trumpet trumpeter
54 skirr scurry, flee
55 Enforced forcibly flung
56 Besides in addition
56 those i.e. those French prisoners
57 take capture
62 fined undertaken to pay
62 bones i.e. and nothing more
65 licence permission
67 book record
70 mercenary belonging to paid soldiers
71 vulgar common people
73 Fret struggle, chafe
73 fetlock-deep up to the fetlock (back of a horse's leg, above the hoof) 74 Yerk lash, jerk
74 armed heels iron-shod hooves
79 day i.e. victory
80 peer appear/look carefully
84 hard close
88 grandfather ... memory i.e. Edward III
88 an't if it
90 chronicles historical accounts
96 Monmouth caps round brimless caps with tapering crowns, originally made in Monmouth 97 badge emblem, insignia
98 Tavy's i.e. David's
100 memorable honour honor well worth commemorating
104 his grace i.e. the king (or possibly "God's grace") 116 gage pledge
119 swaggered quarreled, blustered
120 challenge claim
124 fit appropriate
126 craven coward
126 else otherwise
128 sort rank
129 quite ... degree of too high a rank to have to answer Williams' challenge 131 Lucifer and Beelzebub the devil
133 jack-sauce saucy, impudent fellow
134 black dirty/wicked, damned
136 sirrah sir (used to an inferior)
141 is has
142 literatured is well-read
145 favour token worn as mark of favor
146 Alencon a French duke
147 down i.e. on the ground
148 helm helmet
150 apprehend arrest
150 love an act of love and loyalty
152 fain eagerly
153 that ... legs i.e. whoever he might be
154 it him
163 haply perhaps
167 blunt forthright
168 mischief harm
170 touched affected/lit, fired (like gunpowder) 170 choler anger
Act 4 Scene 8
3 apace quickly
4 peradventure perhaps
5 know you do you recognize
8 'Sblood God's blood
11 be forsworn break my word
12 away aside
13 into ploughs in blows (perhaps "in two blows")
15 lie ... throat deliberate lie
21 summer's day i.e. long day
24 is take out took out
33 is pear will bear
34 avouchment avouch, affirm
35 is give gave
38 terms language, words
41 satisfaction amends
44 abuse insult
47 lowliness apparent low rank
56 mettle spirit, courage
59 prawls and prabbles brawls and brabbles (i.e. petty quarrels) 59 dissensions quarrels, disputes
61 will want
64 good genuine, not counterfeit
68 good sort high rank
83 blood nobility
86 Admiral commander-in-chief of the navy
88 Great Master chief official of the royal household
91 lusty strong, vigorous
98 name note, rank
99 arm i.e. might, power
101 stratagem tricks designed to outwit the enemy
102 plain shock direct clash of forces
102 even play straightforward contest
106 wonderful to be marveled at, extraordinary
117 Non nobis opening words of Psalm 115 ("Give praise not unto us, O God") 117 Te Deum thanksgiving hymn "Te Deum laudamus" ("We praise thee O God") 118 with ... clay i.e. given a Christian burial
Act 5
1 Vouchsafe grant
2 prompt them i.e. remind them what comes next
4 time the (five-year) time lapse between the last scene and the next/the limited time in which to perform a play 4 numbers limited number of actors and the multitude they are called on to represent 4 due ... things the nature of historical events
5 huge ... life i.e. true enormous scale
7 grant acknowledge, allow imaginatively
9 Athwart across
> 10 Pales fences
10 flood sea
11 claps applause
11 deep-mouthed loud, deep-voiced
12 whiffler attendant who clears the way at a procession
14 solemnly ceremoniously
16 Blackheath a large common, just south of London
17 Where that where
18 bruised dented
18 bended bent
20 vainness personal vanity, pride
21 trophy token of victory
21 signal symbol, sign
21 ostent display
23 working-house workshop
25 brethren fellow councillors
25 best sort i.e. civic robes
26 th'antique ancient
29 lower ... likelihood i.e. less glorious, but as loving, similar circumstance 30 general ... empress apparently a reference to the Earl of Essex, for much of 1599 the commander of English troops in Ireland on behalf of Elizabeth I 32 broached pierced, speared
34 Much many
34 and and with
36 lamentation mourning, grievances
37 Invites requires
38 emperor's coming the Holy Roman Emperor Sigismund came to England in 1416
39 them editors have conjectured that there may be a line or so missing at this point in the text 39 omit let us pass over, ignore
42 played The interim performed, represented the intervening period 44 brook tolerate
Act 5 Scene 1
5.1 Location: the English camp, France
3 wherefore how, why
4 asse as (plays on "ass/arse")
5 scald vile/scabby
9 breed no contention start any argument
13 swelling ... turkey-cock i.e. puffed up with self-importance (in Fluellen's response swellings and cock have potentially phallic resonances) 15 scurvy contemptible, worthless
17 bedlam mad
17 thirst i.e. long
17 base Trojan knave
18 fold ... web i.e. end your life (in classical mythology, the Parcae are the three Fates, who spin, reel out, and cut the thread of each human life) 19 qualmish made sick
23 disgestions digestions, perhaps implying "hard-earned," "difficult to digest"
25 Cadwallader seventh-century Welsh warrior king
25 goats traditionally associated with Wales
26 goat possible pun on "goad" (i.e. rod for driving cattle/powerful incitement) 27 scald scabby
29 God's will is God decides
30 victuals food
31 sauce flavoring/a rebuke
33 fall to begin eating
35 astonished stunned
38 green fresh/festering, infected
38 ploody coxcomb bloody head
42 revenge have my revenge
50 take occasions should happen, have the opportunity
52 Good very well
54 groat small coin worth four old pence
58 in earnest of as a down-payment for
59 pay punish
59 cudgels beatings
60 woodmonger one who deals in wood
61 buy be with
63 counterfeit deceitful
66 predeceased former, past
67 gleeking taunting, insulting
67 galling harassing, scoffing
69 garb fashion
72 condition disposition
74 Doll some editors emend to "Nell," assuming that Pistol refers to his wife Nell Quickly 74 i'th'spital in the hospital
75 malady of France syphilis, the "French disease"
76 rendezvous refuge, haven, perhaps with play on "sexual encounter"
77 wax grow
78 bawd pimp
79 something ... hand am somewhat inclined to become a deft pickpocket 80 steal steal away (plays on the sense of "rob")
81 patches bandages (also with suggestion of patches to conceal syphilitic scars) 82 Gallia i.e. French
Act 5 Scene 2
5.2 Location: the royal court, France
1 wherefore for which
2 brother fellow monarch
2 sister i.e. Queen Isabel, wife of the French king 3 fair ... day i.e. good day
4 princely royal
5 royalty collection of royal persons
12 issue outcome
13 gracious happy/prosperous
16 bent line of sight/direction of fire
17 balls eyeballs/cannonballs
17 basilisks large cannon/mythical reptiles whose gaze could kill 19 quality i.e. deadly nature
23 on based on
25 pains efforts
27 bar court, tribunal
27 interview meeting
30 That in the sense that
31 congreeted greeted each other
32 before ... view in such royal company
33 rub obstacle (bowling term)
35 nurse nourisher
35 arts learning, scholarship
37 put up raise
37 visage face
39 husbandry agricultural cultivation and produce
39 on heaps in a mess
40 Corrupting ... fertility rotting for being overripe/ruining itself by being overgrown 40 it its
42 even-pleached regularly interwoven
44 fallow leas unplowed arable fields
45 darnel ... fumitory weeds
45 rank overabundant
46 root upon take root, grow
46 coulter blade on a plow
47 deracinate uproot
47 savagery wild plants
48 even mead level meadow
48 erst formerly
49 freckled ... clover i.e. all useful plants or herbs 50 Wanting lacking
50 withal uncorrected unchecked by it
51 Conceives germinates, breeds
51 teems is fertile, flourishes
52 docks ... burs all types of weed
52 kecksies dry hollow stems
54 fallows arable lands
55 natures proper functions
58 sciences knowledge, skills
61 diffused disordered
63 reduce restore
63 favour appearance/approval, good grace
65 let hindrance
68 would desire
69 want lack
71 accord agreement
71 just exact/legitimate
72 tenors substances, contents
72 effects purposes/drifts
73 enscheduled listed, written down
78 cursitory eye cursory glance
79 O'erglanced looked over
79 Pleaseth if it please
81 better heed greater care, attention
82 suddenly in a short time
83 Pass pronounce
83 accept acceptable (to us), agreed
83 peremptory final, resolved
87 ratify confirm
91 consign subscribe, agree
94 Haply perhaps
95 nicely strictly, fastidiously
95 stood on insisted
97 capital principal
97 comprised included
98 fore-rank front row
98 articles conditions
101 terms words, expressions (plays on the sense of "conditions of a truce") 103 love-suit courtship
109 Pardonnez-moi "excuse me"
112 Que ... anges? "What does he say? That I resemble angels?"
113 Oui ... dit-il "Yes, truly, saving your grace, he says so"
116 O ... tromperies "O good God! The tongues of men are full of deceits"
121 is de princess i.e. is what the princess said 122 the better Englishwoman i.e. like an Englishwoman for mistrusting his flattery 123 fit appropriate, suitable
125 plain plain-spoken/simple
126 mince speak in a delicate or pretentious way/behave affectedly 128 suit courtship (perhaps with suggestion of worn-out clothing) 129 clap ... bargain shake hands on a deal
131 Sauf votre honneur "saving your honor"
132 put ... verses have me write love poetry
undid would ruin
134 measure poetic meter
135 strength in measure i.e. ability in dancing
135 measure slow, stately dance
135 measure in strength amount of physical strength
137 under ... spoken at the risk of punishment for boasting, let it be said 138 leap into gain/have sex with
139 buffet box
139 bound make jump
140 lay on strike vigorously/lie upon during sex
140 sit on his horse/on his wife
140 jackanapes monkey (or someone acting like one)
141 off falling off
141 look greenly i.e. as an inexperienced young lover does 142 cunning in protestation skill in declarations (of love) 143 downright plain
143 urged provoked
144 urging being persuaded by others
144 temper temperament, disposition
145 not worth sunburning i.e. so ugly that the sun could not make it worse (Elizabethans considered fair skin a particular mark of beauty) 146 glass mirror
146 be thy cook i.e. dress the dish (his face) to make it appetizing 150 uncoined genuine, freshly minted and uncirculated (amongst women) 153 infinite tongue clever, unlimited speech
154 favours sexual benevolence
154 What! exclamation of scorn
155 prater chatterbox
155 ballad popular, common form of poetry
156 fall waste away
158 full perfect, lustrous
158 wax hollow sunken/insincere
163 fairly favorably
166 friend also has sense of "lover"
173 Je ... moi "I, when I have possession of France, and when you have the possession of me" (imperfect but generally comprehensible French) 175 Saint Denis patron saint of France
175 Saint ... speed! Saint Denis help me!
175 donc ... mienne "therefore yours is France and you are mine"
178 move i.e. stir emotion in
179 Sauf ... parle "Saving your honor, the French that you speak, it is better than the English that I speak"
182 truly-falsely sincerely and inaccurately
183 at one the same
186 neighbours close acquaintances
188 closet private room
189 dispraise belittle
192 cruelly extremely
192 beest be
193 saving faith faith deep enough for salvation
194 scambling struggling, scuffling
196 compound compose, create
197 take ... beard humiliate, drive the Turks out
198 flower-de-luce fleur-de-lis (lily), emblem on the French coat of arms 201 hereafter in time to come
201 know plays on sense of "have sex"
203 part behalf (plays on sense of "genitals")
203 moiety half, portion
204 la ... deesse "the most fair Katherine of the world, my most dear and divine goddess"
206 'ave have, i.e. has
206 fausse "false"--i.e. "incorrect/insincere"
207 sage prudent, wise
207 demoiselle "young lady"
210 blood passion/sexual desire
211 notwithstanding in spite of
211 untempering unsoftening, unsettling
212 beshrew curse
213 civil wars i.e. Richard II's deposition
213 got conceived
214 aspect facial appearance
217 ill layer-up poor preserver/wrinkler
217 spoil damage
219 wear use, possess (plays on sense of "exhaust sexually") 226 Plantagenet name of the dynasty to which Henry V belonged 227 fellow with equal to
230 break open, broach
232 de ... pere "the king my father"
238 Laissez ... seigneur "Desist, my lord, desist, desist: my faith, I do not at all wish you to abase your greatness in kissing the hand of one [who is] your lordship's unworthy servant. Excuse me, I beg of you, my most mighty lord"